Wednesday, January 2, 2008

My Playmate

On this cold January night, one of my most favorite people in the world is here warming the house, and warming his Grandmommy's heart. Jacob is thirteen now and a little taller I am. He has been remembering some of the things we used to do when he was little. Tomorrow we will be taking the tree down. (Two people I worked with said in their cultures - Scottish and Muslim - the tree must be out by New Years Eve and the house must be totally cleaned. Thank goodness my "culture" gives me until Epiphany.) But Jacob says he remembered once at my house when he "set up the tree all by myself." A proud accomplishment for such a little fellow! Another memory is sitting on my lap and eating ice cream together. He says that ice cream has been our "thing." We used to have a cute little dark-haired girl his age living next door. When Jacob was five, he tried to impress her with his manliness by proving, "I can lift this bicycle," and did, over his head. He actually learned to ride that small bike here and circled the cul-de-sac what seemed like hundreds of times. We have made a bird house and pulled ivy off trees and trimmed whatever needed it. We have laughed over stupid and misusing the photo red eye remover to make green blotches on people's skin. Last year we tie-dyed tee shirts til the wee small hours. We have made goat cheese pizzas, fettuccini alfredo and fresh grape juice. Tonight we played an American Idol game and now we are writing this blog. I love it when Jacob comes to play with me.

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