Monday, December 17, 2007

Christmas the Holy Day

In Lenox Square in Atlanta this weekend, I don't think I saw a single store sign with the frightful word Christmas in it. Lots of "holidays" but no Christmas. There, secularism seems to have done away with the word Christmas, and along with it, Christmas spirit. Yes, Virginia, the spirit of kindness, consideration and good will toward others was not detectable on that busy Saturday evening so close to Christmas. I have always enjoyed that anticipatory time before Christmas when a greeting or a farewell of "Merry Christmas!" would warm my heart. It can't be said without an element of joy. The bland and generic "Happy Holidays" just doesn't have the same jingle to it. But hmmm... I thought about it. Holiday means Holy Day. I realized that it could be a good reminder for me and for all of us Christians, that Christmas, even though it has been secularized, minimized, and commercialized, is in fact a Holy Day for us as we remember the holy significance of the day Jesus was born. So when I see the word "holiday" as a substitute for Christmas, I will think of the Holy Family and the Holy Child. And when I am wished a happy holiday, I will wish back a Merry Christmas. Maybe it will do its small part toward contributing to some Christmas spirit.

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