Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Community of Bloggers

For over a month I have challenged myself to blog daily and have met my far. I think one thing it is doing is sharpening my observational powers. Days are filled with experiences, achievements, interactions, responsibilities, and so forth, and having this blog makes me more aware of the limitless topics to comment on and write about. I see cows grazing in the morning mist, a disinterested student, an anxious patient, a political debate, my chipper half blind dog, a leftover turkey carcass and envision some sort of story. If only I had the capacity - time and knowledge - to find it and tell it well! Another enjoyment is being a part of the blogging community. There are a million or so others out there who feel compelled to share a part of their lives with anyone in the world who happens to land on their blog! Whatever we are saying, it is definite that we, a group of hack writers, amateur photographers and philosophers, all want a voice. I signed up for one of the services that shows who in the world happened to land on my blog, and was excited to know there was a visitor from faraway Turkey. Now that was cool... It is almost inspirational to read other people's blogs, no matter the content, and I have enjoyed regularly working on my own. Now if only I could be as committed to a diet.

1 comment:

Lori said...

I am on the Seefood diet. It's great! I see food....I eat it ~