Thursday, April 15, 2010

It's All About Me Now

Life is blissful. I am so glad I "retired" or as I prefer to call it "started my sabbatical" in spring, this beautiful spring. It has been two weeks and I am not missing it. That all important work that once ruled my life has joined other eras that will always be a part of me but that I have left behind. So far, my biggest realization is that I don't have to rush through whatever I am doing. I can take my time - ahhh - whether it is reading a magazine or planting some flowers. There is no clock to punch or energy that must be spent elsewhere. The transition is successful so far, but I have been easy on myself. My challenge, although it may sound really corny and self centered is this: After an entire adulthood of focusing on children or patients or others or chasing a paycheck, I am trying to find the me that I ignored for so long. But isn't that something we should all do? We humans can become so involved in working to survive physically or emotionally, meeting basic needs, and working through relationships that we become overwhelmed and lose ourselves in the process. For many reasons, I think it is an important task, and never too late.

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