Friday, April 16, 2010

A Change of View

Those robins! Though I am happy to hear their cheery songs in the morning, I am not pleased when I see how the multitudes have left their massive droppings on the sides of our cars. And I blame them when the seeds I have planted in my garden fail to grow, disappear as if I never planted them. Mostly however they walk all over my beloved garden spot in search of the juicy earthworms that are abundant there. Today I even shooed one away. I suppose with my old busy ways, I had not been curious enough to find where the early morning songs were coming from though the music was quite close. Today as I opened the blinds in the bedroom and looked around, I saw a neat nest high in a fork of several branches in a tall bush. As I was trying to find an angle in which to see it better, to determine if there was any bird life in there, a mommy robin flew in with a worm dangling from her her beak. Suddenly small pink bird beaks popped up in interest and started in on breakfast. When you are a mother, you understand. For me it was a tender moment and my perspective was changed. Those robins aren't pesky, just another creature following its instincts to nurture and protect its young, and one with whom I share the earth's bounty.

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