Monday, May 18, 2009

The Beautiful Tree of Sanibel

I had seen some trees here that are in bloom with rich orange-red flowers and wondered what they were. Today I was able to stop and see one up close and take some pictures. From another blog, I learned that it is a Royal Poinciana, or Flamboyant Tree, Delonix regia, and I must say it is the most gorgeous tree I have ever seen. It is related to the mimosa - similar leaves - and to the bean family - big pods on it today. Also I read that it is a native of Madagascar and is officially one of the five most beautiful trees in the world. Here is my poor attempt at conveying its beauty.

1 comment:

Tootie said...

I think the blooming trees are beautiful right now. I keep seeing different kinds that I hadn't noticed before. You photos are much better than mine. :-)