Sunday, November 4, 2007

Thankful Thinking

One of the most eye opening experiences of being a nurse is seeing how people live and have lived their lives. We care for newborn babies and witness how their mothers respond to them. We wonder what their lives will be. We see people struggling with mental and physical problems throughout the life span and then, people close to entering the next dimension through what we call death. There is no way to predict what a life will turn out to be. We humans have no control over who our parents were or the genes we have been dealt. However we do have control over a few attitudes that make a huge difference in the quality of our lives even if the opposite has been modeled for us. Gratitude is one attitude of choice. Romans 12 addresses being changed by the renewal of our minds. Making an effort to renew and change our thinking for the good, to abandon attitudes that put us in an unhappy state, is one way to help our own life span be a better one.

1 comment:

Judith said...

I agree.......if we take a few moments and write down 5 things we are grateful for in any one day......our mood will change almost immediately!! Thank you for the thoughts!!