Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Notes on this first day of March

Bradford pears and forsythia are already in bloom, and spikes of green that promise tulips and daffodils are pushing upward in the red clay. We are close to wrapping up this winter.

If I had some nursing students, the sitcom actor (previously a handsome movie star) who has been in the news lately would provide me with a good example of addiction and also mania.

In the book I am reading that is set in the 1880s, the well bred and talented female character from New England travels around the West with her engineer husband. She writes about her experiences, sketches what she sees, and then sends everything home where it is published. What would a fresh eye find sketchworthy and interesting here in my "normal" town?

There was a time when I could find no shoes to fit my big feet, but then things started changing. Now, if I go at the beginning of the season, I will usually find some I love and be a happy girl, like today.

I like this saying I read: "All feedback is good feedback."

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