Saturday, May 22, 2010

We Can Still Vote

Not only is my yard in for some cleaning and revitalizing by pruning trees and pulling out old plants, it seems that our Senate and House of Representatives may be in for the same. Most Americans do not like the way things are going in Washington and are using the election process to "throw the bums out." It is slow going but not impossible. I believe that term limits are a good thing anyway, even in nursing, the profession I know about. I have witnessed nurses who after several years have become stale, complacent, or jaded and have lost empathy for the people they are supposed to be caring for. It is sometimes blamed on “burnout,” a lazy word for a situation that can be prevented. An intern I once worked with said she had done a research paper on this, and that not only in nursing but in other careers that involve caring for, protecting, or generally serving the public, employees often start seeing the “customer” as an enemy. They resent having to do anything for them and after seeing repetitive behaviors, cruelly make fun of them. I wonder how we are truly regarded by the ones we elected to oversee the management of our country. But we do not hire them to lifetime positions. We retain the option of pruning our elected bodies for the viability of America, and for uprooting those no longer useful individuals who wrongfully want to stay planted.

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