Friday, January 2, 2009

Me. For better or worse.

Ahh...a new year has started and many of us are making our plans and resolutions for 2009. Not a bad thing to do. They give us direction, maybe purpose and more control over our lives. But is a new year a new beginning? More than time marching forward? I suppose it can be, but I think we mostly just drag our same old selves with us whenever and wherever we go. I take my personality, my character, and reliable old body with me from home to work or wherever I happen to be. Basically I am me, the same me I have always been, the me I was created to be. Isn't that the way it is for all of us? Maybe I have become a little better in some areas but a little more lacking in others. Maybe I have gained a little here but lost a little there. I can still expand on what little I know, maintain relationships with those I love, welcome new people in my path, and pass along some of what I have experienced to the next generation, but I cannot turn back the clock. And it is too late for wishing I had done many things differently. That's OK. I am glad to have made it intact this far and still be me. My failures and my shortcomings won't hinder me from striving, from pressing on, from loving, from still growing in many ways, and trying to be a better version of me.
Let's see...first there is losing weight and then...

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