Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sweet Potatoes

I suppose it is because I am a Southern girl that I love sweet potatoes. My grandmother, mother, and subsequently I primarily served them baked until some sugary goodness popped out and they were soft and ready to be pressed open enough to house a nice dollop of butter. We always tried to bake a few extra to have with breakfast the next day. We sliced them, sprinkled them with cinnamon and sugar, and fried them in some sizzling butter til there was a sticky brown crust on the edges. But back when I was a home health nurse and visiting a patient who was having dinner cooked for her, I learned another way to prepare them that is easy and traditional Southern cuisine. This is now how I usually cook them, except during Thanksgiving and Christmas where they have an important traditional place in the dinners. Slice the raw sweet potatoes thinly. Heat butter in a pan and then put in the potatoes. In about five minutes sprinkle in some sugar (white) and cinnamon. Let them cook over a low heat til soft and ready, stirring/turning frequently, approximately twenty minutes. Sweet as candy! If I had known they would be starring in their own post, I would have cut the slices more evenly.

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