Monday, February 18, 2008

Dangerously Mentally Ill

Last week we heard of another mentally distraught person who killed students on campus in cold blood. Consequently there is once again a focus on the mentally ill and the system that serves them. In my time in psychiatric hospitals, I have seen many like the most recent shooters. There are those we have treated and discharged thinking they have the potential to do terrible things. We cannot keep people institutionalized forever unless they are in jail. And there, they are regularly given their meds, the only thing that really treats that type of crazy thinking. When a hospitalized mental patient is stabilized on their antipsychotic medications, agree to follow up and take the drugs that are essential to keeping their demons at bay, then they may be discharged. The system does not continue to monitor them forever. Overall the system keeps many horrific events from happening, but they cannot stop them all. People, even the viciously deranged, still have a certain amount of freedom here in the USA. However it is clearly evident that the mental health system and the criminal justice system could and should develop a closer network.

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