Friday, February 1, 2008

Another trip to Rocky Top

Here in the Carolinas, people will frequently get into conversations about whether they prefer the mountains or the beach. Why must we choose? The Carolinas have been graced by them both. I marvel at the majestic North Carolina mountains that I can pass through occasionally when I have a good reason. Tonight I am back home from seeing my sweet children in the Rocky Top state. They live up in a small town about thirty minutes from Newport where my son works, and their home has a nice country view. This morning was gray, wet, windy and cold. Paige and I sat for a while at the kitchen table drinking hot tea and talking about nursing school while outside I caught glimpses of bright blue against the somber sky - bluebirds flitting about the sepia colored trees. Soon it was time for me to hit the road. I drove back through some of the Blue Ridge mountains under awesome skies that gradually changed from a threatening gray to a welcoming Carolina blue. On I 40 in Haywood County in western NC, there are tunnels cut intothe mountains that vehicles must pass through. Here is a video that I took the last trip back when my husband was driving. There really is a light at the end!

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