Friday, October 29, 2010

Newt yesterday

When I heard yesterday that Newt Gingrich was in town and was to speak at 7 pm, I decided to go hear him. I think he has an intelligent, common sense take on what's happening politically in America. I got there early and took a seat - all by myself - and pretty soon it was full of people of all ages. Newt has been to - I think - eleven states talking primarily about people's need to work. Jobs. I suppose he talked twenty or thirty minutes. He also touched on things he learned during the filming of some documentaries, what the authors of the Declaration of Independence meant when they wrote "they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights" and how government is to protect those rights, how America's political system differed from any other. I liked what he had to say and was so glad to be able to hear him.

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