Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Weather is the Winter's News

We are welcoming a small break from the freeze today, and I am glad.

It was so cold when I was in Germany and Austria. It was the kind of cold that cuts through and stays in your bones, and I knew when I returned to my Southern home and the usual afternoon warmth my fingers and toes would thaw. It was not to be. South Carolina has been the same. My little corner of the world has missed the snow, but the grass is frozen in shiny little spikes and crinkles underfoot. Will spring ever come?

I have been suspicious of the global warming frenzy, but now it seems that not only could people have been "doctoring the books" but that our planet is actually beginning a period of cooling. My cousin Jim who is good about keeping me informed emailed a website that says just that, and from this years experience, it is believable. Looking further into the all knowing web, it seems that this has been theorized for some time, but whether we are meteorologists, politicians, everyday Josie's, or influenced by every wind that blows, Baby it's still cold outside.

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