Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Jockey Lot

Raymond and Trip left long before the sun came up to peddle their wares at the famous Anderson Jockey Lot. As they were laying their junk by flashlights on the rented cement table, they made their first sale. By noon when they started packing up, they had gotten rid of two-thirds of the stuff. Pretty good. I got there a little later in the morning to look around. It was a beautiful day to be outside among the meandering throng.

This market has all sorts of things for sale. We of course had unwanted, no longer needed household items and so did a few other fly-by-night tables, but many sellers are there week after week selling puppies, socks, local produce, tools, fried pork rinds. Anything really. I had to admire their entrepreneurial attempts. As I have gotten pretty good at slipping my little camera in and out of my pocket to take quick pix, here is a sampling of what is offered there.

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