Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Still at it . . .

My last two blog posts have been nothing except to say that I am alive and well. On Monday and Tuesday I taught at the hospital, and the feelings that I have when being with my students, I realized, are like when I was at the beach with my children when they were little, always counting bobbing heads and giving warnings to avoid dire results.

There is something exhausting about being hyper alert and overly responsible not to mention having tired legs from what feels like miles of walking. (Next time I must remember to use that pedometer I bought for myself at Christmas!) By the time I got settled at home there was not much more my poor brain could produce. But of course there is always a flip side or another facet or angle to any situation, and to this it is that I am glad that there is something I know well enough to pass along to the next generation.

I am now realizing that I not only have adult patients but also students who were not even born when I started in this work. It doesn't seem that long. . .

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