Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A Common Cold

I was surprised when I came down with a cold this week, at this time of year. Usually I get my annual post Christmas, post stress season cold as the new year is starting but never in September. Years ago when I was taking Anatomy, I learned that there were thousands of viruses that cause colds. Since then, I have been aware that no two colds are alike. This one started with a dreaded sore throat but has turned out to be a mild garden variety rhinovirus. My main regret is that I worked when the symptoms were new and could have infected many people. I tried to keep a physical distance from others and minimize the obnoxious sneezing and blowing, but it was hard. It used to be that when people got "sick" they stayed in until they were no longer contagious. Now in our fast paced world, the show must go on. Next...I will have to see who of those I have come in contact this week will be sniffling and sneezing next week. I'm sorry.

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