Monday, October 13, 2008

Moon and Sun in the Afternoon

Driving out of downtown Greenville about 6:45 pm today, I saw an eerie sight. It was daylight and the sky was blue with wispy white clouds. There in full view through my front window was a big white disc, the same color as the clouds, hanging like a pendant against a soft light blue angora sweater. At first I wondered...what is that? Has the sun turned white? But no...the sun was behind me, glaring in my rear view mirror. Then I saw that the disc bore the faint unmistakable markings of what my daddy called the rabbit in the moon. I watched it during my twenty-five minute drive hoping I could get a picture after I reached the house - as if I expected the ever changing sky to keep still. By the time I got home and located my camera, the darker colors of evening were swiftly setting in and the moon was - though full and beautiful - looking like its ordinary self and reflecting light. I checked it out on line and learned this sort of celestial happening is not common. Pretty cool...

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