Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Sometimes it is good just to be

There is always been one thing I have sort of envied about smokers, the way they take the time to smoke. They stop what they are doing and say, "I've got to have a cigarette." What if we non-smokers took a breathing break once in a while just for the heck of it. In this pretty weather yesterday and today, I took a few time outs just to be. It was like airing my brain. Granted the breaks weren't that long, about the time it would take to smoke a cigarette or two, and then I was back to doing. Tho the much maligned cigarette has had its share of rightful criticism, I think their benefit lies in the mental breaks they provide. My internal computer is always on go, pushing to do some frequently unnecessary task. I think I will give the old overtaxed brain more frequent breaks this summer. It is refreshing and healing just to be.

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