Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Do you have any chocolate?

What is it about the sweet smooth taste of chocolate that makes us desire it?

How often at work have I heard, "Do you have any chocolate?" or "I need some chocolate" during or after a stressful time. Not surprisingly, I have craved it too many times, but I have learned that taking a break to savor even a bite of chocolate can be curative. In fact . . . chocolate releases endorphins and certain neurotransmitters that make us feel good, and I think it must happen immediately, even with the first whiff as we open a candy package.

A web site said that chocolate also has these chemicals: theobromine and caffeine to provide a mental boost, phenylethylamine, which increases your nervous system and can make us feel like "standing next to your latest crush," and something called anandamide, a built-in flavor enhancer that some consider similar to a drug. (But what kind?)

Thank goodness for chocolate.

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