Monday, October 29, 2007

Fitting In

The woman in front of me in the check out line at Publix this afternoon was griping to the cashier about being stuck here in South Carolina thanks to her ex-husband. I could tell by her accent she was from a New England state often known for its former presidents and high taxes. When it was my turn to check out, I offered a joyfully smug comment, " . . . glad to be a Southerner." The sweet, young southern cashier replied, "Why would anybody want to live there anyway!"

Why indeed! It is about home. It is not about which is better, the north or south, Virginia or California. It is about what we know. We long to be where we are at home and comfortable, where we are understood and where we fit in to the culture. Home. It is a matter of the heart, learned from parents, schools and playmates, defining who we are. I wouldn't expect the shopper to act as if she likes it here. That would be too southern!

1 comment:

Judith said...

It is also about comfort.......our comfort zone. If we feel threatened in any is easy to blame the newest "zone" location when in fact it is the zone inside of us that needs adjustment. Home is where the heart is!!