Friday, May 8, 2009

Paige Graduates!

Growing up, leaving home and marrying is a good thing. My circle of love has grown! My wonderful daughter-in-law Paige has finished the torturous road through nursing school and tonight will be having her capping and pinning ceremony. I will be there. To us nurses, capping and pinning is more important than "walking the stage." Even though we may never wear our nursing caps again and rarely our pins, the tradition symbolizes a link with nurses past and makes us feel that we are embarking on a new journey of sacrifice and duty. At least for those few shining moments. And it's also recognition for finishing those grueling hours of clinicals, and studying, the multitudinous care plans, learning those new long medical terms, and passing crazy tests. I am so proud of Paige. She will be an asset wherever she goes. Congratulations!

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