Wednesday, May 27, 2009

So soon?

Fifteen year old Jacob's yahoo address doesn't separate the spam from any legitimate email he may receive. My unsolicited stuff goes directly to a spam file where I delete without looking at it, but I have seen enough to know there are plenty of gross come-ons and sales pitches out there out in cyberspace. Thankfully my grandson's web address must have some sort of filter, but still, seeing what is in his inbox gave me a few laughs. For example: Chat and mingle, Seen on Oprah, AARP, Goodbye yellow teeth, Flush Toxic Gunk, Lung cancer alert, Birth Control Newsletter, Rainforest Magic, Stop foreclosure, eharmony, Psychologists needed, Seeking Marriage, Coffee and donuts, Celebrity diet, Drop 20 lbs by June, Free trial bottle, testers needed, Black People Meet, Pancake Breakfast...and oh, there is one from Grandmommy. No wonder I didn't get a reply.

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