Thursday, July 5, 2012


Watercolor has been a struggle. I just couldn't get it. But over the past couple of months, I have developed a love for drawing, which really is the basis for all art. Van Gogh, I learned in the biography I read, also loved to draw, and when I looked at the dimensions of the actual drawings, some were quite small, especially for all the fuss over him. The book Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain says that anyone can draw. So armed with those two little bits of info, I now boldly draw, big or little, and using different kinds of beautiful warm pencils. I have always loved pencils. I am showing this little pic of my Tillman as he lies on the floor. I challenged myself to work quickly, not to erase though I did a tiny bit, and to trust myself to draw what I saw. I hope that by the time I take another watercolor class, that all this drawing practice will have helped me see.

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