Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A Fun Time

My drive up on Sunday to visit with the (temporary) Tenneseee branch of my family was unusually awesome - the sky and mountains were spectacularly beautiful. Even though Mother Nature was at her best, I managed to keep my eyes on the road enough to make it up the winding roads. Stuart and Paige and children have been staying at a roomy cabin in the country/woods near Lake Douglas for about a month and seem to be enjoying it. (Here is a view from their deck.)

Yesterday afternoon we were trying to keep the house quiet for a few minutes so Paige could try to rest before going to her nursing job, and the children, their big dog, and I checked out the wildflowers, bugs, what Jacob says in an old still and certainly looks like it could be, various trees, scads of different kinds of butterflies, and generally enjoyed the breezy sunny afternoon. And I took some pictures...of course.

It feels so normal to be with the ones I love, and sometimes I think the "normal" feeling eclipses the joy I also feel. I tried to explain this to the children last night, and I think they may have understood.

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