Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Thanks Daddy

Today on his birthday, we remember Daddy.

Like many others, I am an observer of people. I especially like to watch children with their parents to see how behaviors are shaped. I can see how the child is developing patterns and approaches to situations that he will use throughout life by what he is learning each early moment, for better or worse, from interacting with or modeling after a parent. Some of what my brother and I learned from our father guided us - though unintentionally - into our careers.

From my sweet daddy I learned these three things that have helped in my psych nursing work: 1) acceptance of people no matter their circumstances 2) how to appear as if I am fully listening when I am actually getting just the essence, and most importantly 3) he modeled and therefore taught what is now called appropriate boundaries.

Here is a picture Rob sent me today in remembrance. I guess I was about fourteen. Since Daddy was always the photographer, I am sure he set the camera on a tripod and quickly came to sit with me before the timer went off.

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