Do women everywhere seek the perfect handbag? Many bags have come close, but the perfect one has eluded me forever. Today I exercised my American right to shop and went in search of my new pocketbook. During the fall I kept my head about me, successfully resisting the temptations of the deep red leather ones. Unable to narrow the choices to just one, I kept my trusty black tote. I would definitely not enter spring with it. Making the right selection is important because a pocketbook is not just something to carry our stuff in; it makes a statement about who we are. Will it say that I am sensible or sophisticated? Bold, proud or carefree? I was not the only purse shopper in TJ Maxx today. I observed other women like me, ogling, feeling and imagining the ways the new bag would be used, lost in a dreamlike state. Oh the places they would go! The enticers were hanging from the racks, dainty patent clutches, large carpetbags and everything in between. They were in neutral shades with large metal clasps, colorful stripes and florals with ribbon straps, and in outer fabrics from soft cowhide to heavy canvas to slick polyester. Last week I passed on a lovely one in my favorite color, a soft buttery yellow. I fondled it for a while sure that it would be going home with me, until I realized I would have to wrestle the slippery, faux leather fabric to keep the strap on my shoulder. Drat. A flaw in an otherwise perfect bag. One of these days I will find my ideal. For starters, I envision it being a medium large, soft leather in a dark camel shade. When I see it, I will throw caution to the wind and it will be mine...forever.
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